About Us

2024-25 Season Committee:

Each season the club elects members to act on their behalf. This enthusiastic team puts a lot of effort throughout the year to ensure the club runs smoothly



Vice Commodore

Rear Commodore






Social Convenor

Melanie & Ben

Yard Captain


Rescue Boat Captain

Building Convenor


Tower Officer


Child Safety Office


Junior Rep

Club House

The clubhouse is situated on the Rhyll foreshore on Phillip Island, Victoria and overlooks the stretch of water where our club races are held. It is a two story building with change rooms and equipment storage on the ground floor, a function room, kitchen and race control tower on the first floor. When not being used by the club, the function room is available for hire to club members and the local community.

Social Nights

The Club has an extensive social program that works hand in hand with the racing calendar. Social events are usually held once a month and often on the major Public Holiday weekends such as New Years, Australia Day and Easter. Social Memberships are available for those who would like to be involved but not sail.

Boat Storage

The boat storage yard provides a secure storage facility for club member’s boats and is conveniently located to enable easy access to the foreshore and boat ramp. Boat storage is available to all members (except Social Members) and the yard can accommodate both dinghies and trailable yachts.

Rescue Boat

For the safe management and supervision of all on-water events, the club has two rescue boats. Members can be trained on the rescue boat responsibilities and gain experience of being on the water.

Yachting Affiliations

The Rhyll Yacht Club is affiliated with Yachting Australia, Yachting Victoria, Yachting Western Port and individual Yacht Class Organisations. Rhyll Yacht Club is represented on the Yachting Western Port Committee of Management, where items such as coordination of racing events, safety, representation to Yachting Victoria and organisation of inter club events are discussed and managed.


In 1969 several resident sailors decided to form a dedicated sailing club at Rhyll. It was 2 years before a suitable site was selected and plans drawn up. Foundation membership was 39 family members and a fleet of 25 boats regularly sailed around permanent channel markers around Rhyll and the Minah wreck near Churchill Island. Time keeping was done from a car, with the car horn being sounded as boats crossed the finish line. The boat yard was built first, with a fence being erected so that boats could be locked up. Building the Clubhouse was next and done entirely from voluntary labour. It was officially opened on 22 November 1981. In 1973-74 the club joined the newly formed Westernport Safety Council, and with our radios and Search and Rescue boat RH11, we formed part of the emergency network covering Western Port Bay.

Club Management

In accordance with the Rhyll Yacht Club Constitution, the members of the Rhyll Yacht Club elect their committee of management members at the Annual General Meeting held every June. Each committee member has a portfolio responsibility and reports to the committee at the meetings. Other agenda items for discussion at the monthly meeting include financial review and authorisation of expenditure, health and safety/risk assessment, sailing events and general business. Rules of the Rhyll Yacht Club are available to view.